The jailing of this Mexican labor organizer is a bad sign for labor reform.

Demand Susana's Release:

Susana Prieto, a labor lawyer and fierce advocate for the rights of Mexican workers in border maquiladora factories, has been arrested for a second time on trumped up charges. 

With your help, we fought and won changes in the revised NAFTA to improve working conditions in Mexico. The new trade deal and Mexico’s new labor law guarantee workers the right to organize and affiliate with independent unions. This will mean higher wages for workers in Mexico and here.

Right-wing Mexican border state governors are collaborating with maquila bosses to eviscerate these gains. By abusing Susana and denying workers the unions they want, they hope to crush activism for better jobs and wages.

We must act now to make sure the promises become realities.

Activist Toolkit and Resources

Use these sample social media posts, graphics and background information to help spread the word about Susana’s arrest.

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