Daniel Rangel

Research Director, Rethink Trade
A headshot at Daniel Rangel standing with his arms crossed, looking directly at the camera. Daniel Rangel is the Research Director of the Rethink Trade program at the American Economic Liberties Project. Previously, he was the Research Director of Public Citizen’s Global Trade Watch. Daniel has a decade of experience working on trade and investment law and policy and has authored major reports on digital trade, WTO law, labor aspects of trade agreements and the distributional outcomes of trade. He has drafted and led the advocacy surrounding several stakeholder petitions to activate the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) Labor Rapid Response Mechanism. Daniel holds a Master’s degree in International Economic Policy from the Paris School of International Affairs at Sciences Po and an LL.M. in International Legal Studies from Georgetown University Law Center, where he graduated top of his class. He also holds Law and Political Science degrees from Universidad de los Andes in Bogotá, Colombia. Prior to carrying out his postgraduate studies, Daniel worked as an attorney in Colombia in international trade and competition law matters. His work has been featured in a wide range of publications, including the Washington Post, Politico and The American Prospect. Daniel has been quoted in Foreign Affairs, Bloomberg, Inside U.S. Trade, Politico, and Spanish-speaking news outlets.

Daniel can be reached via email and on social media.

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