Watch Now: Lori Wallach joined Trade Justice Education Fund’s 08/07/2023 town hall on digital trade


Our director Lori Wallach joined U.S. Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-WA), Cherika Carter (Washington State Labor Council), Jen Lee (ACLU Washington), Josua Mata (SENTRO) and M.C. Julie Bouanna (Washington Fair Trade Coalition), for Trade Justice Education Fund’s town hall on “digital trade” proposals and their impact on worker rights, A.I. discrimination, privacy, and small businesses.

🗣️ As policymakers focus on Big Tech’s role in our society, we uncover the quiet push for binding rules in pending trade agreements that could limit consumer privacy, data security, and more.

🌐 Senior governmental officials from throughout the Pacific Rim are gathered in Seattle this summer for a “Digital Month” as part of the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) meetings. This town hall provides a public platform to labor, civil rights, consumer and other constituencies that have views on “digital trade” that differ greatly from those of Big Tech lobbyists.

Thank you again to Trade Justice Education Fund for organizing and the footage!

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