CONTACT: Jimmy Wyderko
For Immediate Release: Oct. 23, 2023
On Eve of Pres. Biden’s Americas Summit in D.C., Sen. Elizabeth Warren and Nobel Laureate Joe Stiglitz Join Rethink Trade and Georgetown and Columbia Law School Authors to Release Comprehensive Guide to ISDS Exit for the Region
The Climate, Health and Democracy Goals of the Americas Partnership for Economic Prosperity Demand an All-Americas Exit of the Investor-State Dispute Settlement Regime
WHAT: Release of comprehensive White Paper on the legal pathways to extract countries in the Americas from the ISDS regime now being used by multinational corporations to attack climate, health and other policies throughout the Americas. This includes a demand for $15 billion in U.S. government compensation by the Canadian firm that tried to build the Keystone XL pipeline.
President Joe Biden has invited leaders from countries in the Western Hemisphere to Washington on November 3 for a summit of the Americas Partnership for Economic Prosperity (APEP). APEP’s goals – fostering the green economy transition and resilient public health systems, and furthering the rule of law – demand elimination of Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) regime.
The event starts with a fireside chat with Joe Stiglitz on how ISDS did not deliver greater investment, as promised, but has undermined governments’ ability to address climate and other challenges. A panel of authors will quickly summarize the new White Paper “Turning the Tide: How to Harness the Americas Partnership for Economic Prosperity to Deliver an ISDS-Free Americas.” The paper provides the latest data on ISDS’ impact in the region and a legal roadmap to exiting the 43 legacy ISDS-enforced trade and investment agreementsamong APEP countries. Sen. Elizabeth Warren, whose fight against ISDS in the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) agreement greatly elevated U.S. public awareness of ISDS, will offer closing remarks.
WHEN: Wednesday October 25, 1:30 PM EST
WHERE: Online press event. Please register here to attend.
Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.)
Prof. Joseph Stiglitz, Professor of Economics, Columbia University
Lori Wallach and Daniel Rangel, Rethink Trade
Ladan Mehranvar, Columbia Center on Sustainable Investment
Mario Osorio, Center on Inclusive Trade and Development, Georgetown University Law Center
Alvaro Santos, Center for the Advancement of the Rule of Law in the Americas, Georgetown University Law Center