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  • Biden Trade Agreements
  • COVID-19 Economy
  • Digital Trade
  • Indo Pacific Economic Framework (IPEF)
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  • Rethink Team
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Biden Trade Agreements
FACT SHEET: Strategically Used Tariffs Do Not Necessarily Raise Consumer Prices and Are Key Industrial Policy Tools and Essential for Trade Enforcement
Biden Trade Agreements
PRESS RELEASE: White House “New Initiatives to Beat the Opioid Epidemic” Don’t Fix the De Minimis Trade Loophole Used by Opioid and Precursor Chemical Smugglers
Biden Trade Agreements
FILING: USTR: “Americas Partnership for Economic Prosperity-Trade Track” Docket ID USTR-2024-0009
Biden Trade Agreements
ARTICLE: U.A.W. Says Lax Enforcement of Trade Deal Has Cost U.S. Jobs
Digital Trade
EVENT: June 26th, 2024: Digital Trade Briefing on Capitol Hill
Biden Trade Agreements
Memo: U.S. Domestic Process Starts Mid-2025 For U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement 2026 Mandatory Six-Year Review
Digital Trade
MEMO: POTUS Has Authority to Fix the De Minimis Trade Loophole Now Facilitating Entry of Deadly Fentanyl from China and a Flood of Unfair Imports that Crush Domestic Firms
Supply Chain
REPORT: How Overreaching “Trade” Pact Rules Can Undermine Buy American and Other Domestic Preference Procurement Industrial Policies
Digital Trade
PRESS RELEASE: Economic Liberties Applauds US House AI Taskforce Meeting on AI Oversight and Preemption
EVENT: Rethink Trade hosts panel at 2024 Anti-Monopoly Conference
Biden Trade Agreements
PRESS RELEASE: U.S. Inflation Remained Flat After Trump Imposed Waves of China Tariffs
EVENTS: Lori Wallach speaks at Congressional Internet Caucus Academy panel on digital trade
Rethink Trade’s Lori Wallach Recognized on Washingtonian 500 Most Influential List
TESTIMONY: Rethink Trade Daniel Rangel’s testimony to USTR on supply chain resilience
EVENTS: Rethink Trade’s Daniel Rangel to Testify at USTR Supply Chain Hearing
EVENTS: Rethink Trade featured on PBS, Georgetown Global Trade Academy
Digital Trade
LETTER: USTR Tai to Senator Marsha Blackburn on Digital Trade
Biden Trade Agreements
MEMO: Limitations on Cryptography Rulemaking in Trade Agreements Could Generate Cybersecurity Risks
Digital Trade
LETTER: Opposition to Ways and Means GOP “Murphy” De Minimis Bill H.R. 7979
Biden Trade Agreements
OP-ED: (Joseph Stiglitz) Big Tech Is Trying to Prevent Debate About Its Social Harms
Digital Trade
INTERVIEW: NPR interviews Rethink Trade’s Lori Wallach on Big Tech’s influence on key trade agreements
PRESS RELEASE: USTR’S 2024 Trade Barrier Report Makes U.S. Trade Policy More Consistent with Congressional, Administration Digital Policy Goals
Biden Trade Agreements
LETTER: Orgs send letter to Katherine Tai on expected changes to the upcoming NTE report
Biden Trade Agreements
PROJECT SYNDICATE (OP-ED): A Big Defeat for Big Tech by Joseph Stiglitz
Biden Trade Agreements
PRESS RELEASE: Sánchez, Doggett call for Biden Administration to reform the CAFTA-DR trade agreement
Biden Trade Agreements
CONGRESSIONAL LETTER: Senators call for EV tariffs and praise Department of Commerce EV review
Supply Chain
NEWS: Rethink Trade Joins Newly-Announced Coalition To Close The De Minimis Loophole
Rethink Team
WATCH NOW: FarmAction Panel: The Worsening Agricultural Trade Deficit: Its Impacts and How We Solve It
Biden Trade Agreements
CONGRESSIONAL LETTER: DeLauro + Lawmakers Lawmakers Urge Action on Harmful De Minimis Waivers for U.S. Jobs & Manufacturing
Biden Trade Agreements
PRESS RELEASE: Biden Digital Trade Update Paved Way for Smart Data Security Executive Order
Digital Trade
Rethink Trade is on the move – RSVP for two upcoming events
Biden Trade Agreements
CONGRESSIONAL LETTER: 88 Democrats praise Biden’s digital trade pivot and applaud Ambassador Tai
Digital Trade
OP-ED: Trade Pacts Should Not Have Special Secrecy Guarantees for Source Code & Algorithms
Digital Trade
OP-ED Rep. Jan Schakowsky and Claude Cummings Jr.: The Biden administration is fighting back against Big Tech
Biden Trade Agreements
PODCAST: Death by Express Delivery: De Minimis Trade Scandal
Biden Trade Agreements
NY TIMES: Unlikely Allies in the Fight Against Free Trade
Digital Trade
Press Briefing on “Digital Trade” Attack w/ Rep. Schakowsky, Rethink Trade, and Biz Groups
Biden Trade Agreements
EVENTS: Rethink Trade Director Speaks at Major DC Trade Panel on Trade
Digital Trade
EXTERNAL VOICES: USTR Katherine Tai Explains Digital Trade at Aspen Institute
Biden Trade Agreements
OP-ED: The Right to Repair needs to extend to software, too – and trade deals could be in the way
Biden Trade Agreements
THE AMERICAN PROSPECT: The Amazon Loophole Is Driving the Fentanyl Crisis
Digital Trade
NY TIMES: How the Biden Administration Took the Pen Away From Meta, Google and Amazon
Digital Trade
POLICY BRIEF: The Biden Administration’s Digital Trade Pivot and What Should Be Next
Digital Trade
LETTER: Yelp, business coalitions, more firms thank Biden administration for digital trade move
Biden Trade Agreements
FACT SHEET: Biden Administration Digital Trade Policy Pivot: Facts vs. Myths
Biden Trade Agreements
COMMON DREAMS: Hundreds of Groups Call On US to Ditch Corporate-Friendly Trade Regime
Biden Trade Agreements
CONGRESSIONAL LETTER: Members of Congress Praise Biden Suspension of IPEF Digital Text
Biden Trade Agreements
OP-ED: Special-interest privileges threaten to derail Biden’s ambitions for the Western Hemisphere
Biden Trade Agreements
LETTER: Groups thank Biden, Tai for Course Change on “Digital Trade”
Biden Trade Agreements
OP-ED (Financial Times): How to Make Free Trade Fairer
Labor & Worker Rights
REUTERS: US asks Mexico to review labor rights at Caterpillar subsidiary -USTR
Biden Trade Agreements
STATEMENT: Kudos to USTR for Updating U.S. Trade Policy to Not Undermine AI, Privacy, and Other Digital Governance Initiatives that Congress and the White House Are Considering
Biden Trade Agreements
IUST: Sen. Warren pushes for ISDS-free trade agreements
Biden Trade Agreements
Press Release: To Strengthen Ties with Countries in the Americas and Deliver on Climate, Health, and Democracy APEP Goals, Pres. Biden Should Launch All-Americas Exit of the Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) Regime
Biden Trade Agreements
Turning The Tide: How To Harness the Americas Partnership For Economic Prosperity To Deliver An ISDS-Free Americas
Biden Trade Agreements
ADVISORY: Sen. Warren, Stiglitz on Biden APEP Summit ISDS Exit Opportunity
Digital Trade
PRESS RELEASE: Advocacy groups send letter to President Biden on the European Union’s Digital Markets Act of 2022 (DMA) —
Digital Trade
LETTER: Advocacy groups send letter to President Biden on the European Union’s Digital Markets Act of 2022 (DMA)
Digital Trade
Letter from Right to Repair Coalition to President Biden
Biden Trade Agreements
BLOOMBERG: Biden Urged to Protect Repair Rights in Indo-Pacific Trade Talks
Biden Trade Agreements
PRESS RELEASE: Letter from Groups on “Digital Trade” Implications for Right to Repair
Digital Trade
Groups Leading “Right to Repair” Movement Urge Biden Administration to Reject Any Attempts to Derail their Gains
Labor & Worker Rights
IUST: USTR seeks first USMCA rapid-response panel to review Mexican mine
Digital Trade
EVENT: Rethink Trade Research Director to speak at Universidad del Rosario conference on WTO
Biden Trade Agreements
IUST: USTR announces listening sessions for fifth IPEF round in Thailand
Digital Trade
PARTNER REPORT: Accountable Tech/AI NOW/EPIC: Zero Trust AI Governance
Digital Trade
Inside US Trade: Trade Justice Education Fund’s August Digital Trade Town Hall
Digital Trade
WATCH NOW: Lori appears on Thomas Hartmann’s program to talk the digital trade sneak attack
Supply Chain
REUTERS: Key trade loophole keeps cheap Chinese products flowing to US
Digital Trade
WATCH NOW: Lori Wallach joined Trade Justice Education Fund’s 08/07/2023 town hall on digital trade
Digital Trade
IUST: Sen. Markey: Big Tech will use trade as ‘backdoor’ to avoid AI regulation
Digital Trade
Press release: Tech Firms Seek to Hijack Biden’s Indo-Pacific Economic Framework (IPEF) Negotiations to Derail AI Oversight Via “Digital Trade” Rules
Digital Trade
REPORT: Undermining AI Regulation in the U.S. and Abroad: The “Digital Trade” Secrecy Ploy
Digital Trade
THE AMERICAN PROSPECT: Big Tech’s Relentless Influence on Trade Policy
Digital Trade
ADVISORY: Rethink Trade to Host Sen. Markey and AI Experts to Discuss How AI Regulation Would be Undermined by Industry “Digital Trade” Demands
Biden Trade Agreements
COMMON DREAMS: Biden Should Use the Americas Partnership for Economic Prosperity to Free the Hemisphere From ISDS
Biden Trade Agreements
BLOOMBERG GOV.: Critics Slam Lobbying by Tech Giants in Indo-Pacific Trade Talks
Our Research Director Heads to Brussels for the The Transatlantic Consumer Dialogue (TACD) and the Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung European Union Conference
Digital Trade
WATCH NOW: The “Digital Trade” Sneak Attack on AI Oversight & Regulation Underway Today (Panel)
Rethink Team
Our very own Lori Wallach is on Washington Magazine’s list of 500 most influential people of 2023!
Digital Trade
WaPo: Civil rights groups warn trade talks may hurt efforts to counter discriminatory algorithms
Digital Trade
WATCH NOW: Stop Big Tech from Monopolizing the Future: New Video!
Biden Trade Agreements
LETTER: Civil Rights Groups Criticize IPEF “Digital Trade” Rules in Letter to Biden
Digital Trade
WaPo: Big Tech rivals enter fight over U.S. digital trade
Digital Trade
PARTNER LETTER: Business Leaders Criticize IPEF “Digital Trade” Rules
Digital Trade
BLOOMBERG: Republican Lawmakers Call for Tech Lobby Be Blocked From Indo-Pacific Trade Input
BLOOMBERG: Tech Lobbyists Helped US Shape New Indo-Pacific Trade Framework
Biden Trade Agreements
CONGRESSIONAL REPORT: Big Tech’s Big Con: Rigging Digital Trade Rules to Block Antitrust Regulation
Digital Trade
WaPo: Big Tech trying to ‘weaponize’ U.S. trade talks, Democrats warn
Digital Trade
LETTER: Senator Warren and Congressional Big Tech Accountability Leaders on IPEF “Digital Trade” Rules
Digital Trade
THE AMERICAN PROSPECT: Big Tech Lobbyists Explain How They Took Over Washington
Digital Trade
What Industry Identified as “Digital Trade Barriers” in the Indo-Pacific Region as Part of the National Trade Estimate Report Process
Digital Trade
READ NOW: Chart of Big Tech Attacks on Indo-Pacific Digital Policies
PARTNER REPORT: AI NOW – International “Digital Trade” Agreements: The Next Frontier
Digital Trade
REPORT: LOADED: Corporate Interests Dominate the Official U.S. Government Trade Advisory System​
Digital Trade
REPORT: The American Prospect: Corporations Dominate Trade Advisory Panels
Biden Trade Agreements
Press Release: Business Interests Dominate U.S. Trade Advisory System, Gain Access to Trade- Pact Texts Kept Secret from Public, New Economic Liberties Research Shows
COVID-19 Economy
Written Statement: Extend WTO COVID Decision to Ease Exports of Generic Treatments and Tests: Rethink Trade Submission to ITC
Digital Trade
Webinar: Big Tech’s Ploy to Undermine AI Accountability, Privacy and Anti-Monopoly Policies with Sen. Warren, Rep. Schakowsky, and Rep. Takano
Digital Trade
Press Release: Study Reveals Big Tech Ploy to Internationally Preempt Privacy, Anti-Monopoly and Algorithmic Transparency Initiatives with “Digital Trade” Deals
Digital Trade
Letter to President Biden: Don’t Replicate Big-Tech-Favored Terms in IPEF!
Digital Trade
REPORT: International Preemption by “Trade” Agreement: Big Tech’s Ploy to Undermine Privacy, AI Accountability, and Anti-Monopoly Policies
Indo Pacific Economic Framework (IPEF)
PARTNER LETTER: Citizens Trade Campaign: Shared Views on the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework
Digital Trade
PARTNER FACT SHEET: Trans Atlantic Consumer Dialogue: The Consumer Perspective on the Joint EU-US Roadmap on Artificial Intelligence
Digital Trade
PARTNER POLICY AGENDA: AFL-CIO – A Worker-Centered Digital Trade Agenda
Digital Trade
Press Release: The Biden Administration Can Only Achieve Its Laudable “Worker-Centered” Trade Policy for the Americas by Fixing the Existing U.S. Trade Deals with Most Prospective APEP Partners and Building On Solid New Foundations
Digital Trade
Analysis of U.S. “Digital Trade” Rules that Undermine Congressional and Administration Privacy, AI Civil Rights, and Anti-Monopoly Initiatives: Side by Sides
Digital Trade
Business Coalition for App Fairness Letter: “Digital Trade” Threat to Anti-Monopoly Policy
Supply Chain
Blog: Please Don’t Steer Your Smart Industrial Policy Off a Cliff, Mr. President
Supply Chain
Press Release: Economic Liberties Calls on Pres. Biden to Enforce Trade Law on Solar Imports
Digital Trade
U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren and Patrick Woodall, AFL-CIO: Digital Trade Senate Finance Committee Hearing
Supply Chain
Press release: Bipartisan Congressional Commission Urges Congress to Consider Suspending China Trade Status
COVID-19 Economy
U.S. Should Support Extension of June 2022 WTO COVID Decision to Treatments and Tests: A Fact-Based Case
Supply Chain
Rep. Lloyd Doggett Letter to CBP Oppose Ending Trade Data Transparency
COVID-19 Economy
OP-ED: (SCIENTIFIC AMERICA) WTO Deal for COVID Treatments and Tests Access Requires U.S. Support
PARTNER FACT SHEET: Trade Justice Education Fund – WTO Thwarting Global Access to COVID Treatments and Tests
Digital Trade
REPORT: “Digital Trade” Doublespeak: Big Tech’s Hijack of Trade Lingo to Attack Anti-Monopoly and Competition Policies
Digital Trade
Economic Liberties Investigation Reveals: Big Tech Interests Hijacking Trade Lingo, Enforcement Tools to Attack Anti-Monopoly Initiatives Worldwide
Digital Trade
Rethink Trade Comments on “Trade Pillar of an Indo-Pacific Economic Framework” for the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade
Digital Trade
WATCH: Big Tech’s “Digital Trade” Attack on Working People & Labor Rights US Rep. Ro Khanna & Teamsters President Sean O’Brien
Digital Trade
Big Tech’s “Digital Trade” Attack on Working People and Labor Rights
Digital Trade
Big Tech’s “Digital Trade” Sneak Attack Lessons from Big Tech’s Effort to Hijack the U.S. “Special 301” Trade Enforcement Tool to Protect Their Monopoly Power & Evade Regulation
Labor & Worker Rights
USMCA’s Rapid Response Mechanism: A Primer on How to Use this New Labor Enforcement Trade Tool to Fight for Workers’ Rights
Biden Trade Agreements
USTR filing: Rethink Trade files comment on United States-Kenya Strategic Trade and Investment Partnership
Indo Pacific Economic Framework (IPEF)
Quick Take on IPEF as LA Ministerial Starts
Digital Trade
LETTER: Sen. Warren, Rep. DeLauro & Over 40+ Representatives Demand Transparency, Engagement with Congress, Public on IPEF
Labor & Worker Rights
El Mecanismo Laboral de Respuesta Rápida del T-MEC: Una cartilla sobre cómo utilizar esta nueva herramienta para luchar por los derechos de las y los trabajadores
COVID-19 Economy
Press Release: U.S. Labor, Health, Human Rights, Faith and Other Organizations Call On President Biden to Increase Access to COVID Treatments and Tests Now Limited by Trade-Pact Monopoly Privileges for Big Pharma
COVID-19 Economy
Letter to President Biden: Extend WTO TRIPS Decision to Treatments/Tests and Support Countries WTO Flexibilities to Access COVID-19-Related Meds
Supply Chain
FAQ: Climate Peace Clause by Trade Justice Education Fund (TJEF) & Sierra Club
Supply Chain
USTR SUBMISSION: Rethink Trade Submits Official Comments to USTR on Trade Strategy to Combat Forced Labor
Labor & Worker Rights
SNITIS and Rethink Trade File New USMCA ‘Rapid Response Mechanism’ Labor Case Against Reynosa BBB Industries Over Rigged Union Election
Indo Pacific Economic Framework (IPEF)
100+ U.S. Unions, Civil Society Groups Demand Transparency in IPEF Talks
Digital Trade
PRESS RELEASE: Warren, Jayapal: Big Tech Influence at Commerce Department Taints “Digital Trade” Talks:
Supply Chain
Letter: AFL-CIO Letter to U.S. Senators on Microchip Funding
Labor & Worker Rights
Rethink Trade Celebrates Successful Resolution of USMCA Panasonic Reynosa Labor Rights Case
COVID-19 Economy
OP-ED: NEWSWEEK: WTO Cannot Continue as Barrier to COVID-19 Medicines
Labor & Worker Rights
In Advance of USMCA 2nd Anniversary – Rethink Trade Statement
COVID-19 Economy
Press Release: Rethink Trade Condemns WTO Failure to Waive IP Barriers Blocking Global Access to COVID Vaccines, Treatments, Tests
COVID-19 Economy
PARTNER CALL TO ACTION: Trade Justice Education Fund – Actions Governments Can Take Now to Help End the Pandemic
COVID-19 Economy
PARTNER CALL TO ACTION: Trade Justice Education Fund on the TRIPS Waiver and COVID-19
COVID-19 Economy
Press Release: US Groups: Nations Must Reject “Poison Pill” WTO COVID Text
Digital Trade
LETTER: TACD on Special 301 for Big Tech
Digital Trade
WAPO: Pelosi Fears Tech Giants Will Exploit Wrinkle in China Competition Bill
Digital Trade
PARTNER OP-ED: To survive in this economic climate, Democrats must fight monopolies, not flirt with them
Labor & Worker Rights
Press Release: Mexico Agrees to Investigate USMCA Labor Rights Compliant Against Panasonic Reynosa Factory Filed By Independent Mexican Union SNITIS and Rethink Trade
COVID-19 Economy
Letter: How to Transform the WTO Secretariat’s Counterproposal Into an Actual Waiver for COVID-19 Vaccines
Supply Chain
PODCAST: Sen. Elizabeth Warren and Lori Wallach on the Solar War With China (Deconstructed Podcast, The Intercept)
Labor & Worker Rights
Press release: Biden Administration Launches USMCA Labor Case Against Panasonic as Firm Violates Rights of Reynosa Workers that Elected Independent Union
Digital Trade
AFL-CIO Factsheet on USICA Including Special 301 for Big Tech
Biden Trade Agreements
Press Release: Smart Trade Policy is Key to Rebuilding Domestic Solar Capacity
Digital Trade
Press Release: Fix Big Tech Scams in USICA Urge Union, Consumer, Small Business and Digital Rights Groups
Supply Chain
LETTER: Coalition Says Fix De Minimis, Remove Special 301 for Big Tech in CHIPS bill
Indo Pacific Economic Framework (IPEF)
PARTNER PRESS RELEASE: Most ASEAN Countries Are Not Appropriate Partners for the “Worker-Centered” IPEF Agreement Biden Seeks
Digital Trade
Letter: Fix Big Tech Scams in China Competitiveness Legislation
COVID-19 Economy
Press Release: New WTO Text Wouldn’t Improve COVID Vaccine Access, Excludes Treatments, and Even Adds New Limits to Existing WTO Flexibilities Allowing Production of Drugs Without Patent Holder Permission
Labor & Worker Rights
The Empire Strikes Back: Multinational Corporations, Local Authorities and Sham Unions Collude to Stonewall Workers’ Struggle for Better Working Conditions in Mexico
Labor & Worker Rights
The Empire Strikes Back: Multinational Corporations, Local Authorities and Sham Unions Collude to Stonewall Workers’ Struggle for Better Working Conditions in Mexico
Digital Trade
American Prospect: The Trade Fight That Could Doom Biden’s Industrial Policy
Labor & Worker Rights
SNITIS and Rethink Trade Rapid Response Petition Against Panasonic
PRESS RELEASE: Rep. Pascrell Urges New Crackdown on Mexican Labor Corruption
Labor & Worker Rights
Press Release: SNITIS and Rethink Trade Announce Filing of New USMCA ‘Rapid Response Mechanism’ Labor Case to Fight for Mexican Workers at Reynosa Panasonic Plants Denied Legitimate Union Representation
Supply Chain
Rethink Trade Written Testimony to USCC: U.S. Trade Policy and Impact of China’s Distortions on U.S. Jobs, Growth, and Innovation
Supply Chain
Wallach Video Testimony to USCC: U.S. Trade Policy and Impact of China’s Distortions on U.S. Jobs, Growth, and Innovation
Digital Trade
Rethink Trade Comments to USTR on IPEF
04.11.2022: Rethink Trade Comments to Commerce on IPEF
Biden Trade Agreements
04.11.2022: Rethink Trade Submits Comments to Department of Commerce on IPEF
Biden Trade Agreements
04.11.2022: Rethink Trade Submits Written Comments to United States Trade Representative on Indo-Pacific Economic Framework
Biden Trade Agreements
LETTER: Senators Elizabeth Warren and Bob Casey to Secretary Raimondo on IPEF
Biden Trade Agreements
LETTER: American unions on the lndo-Pacific Economic Framework (IPEF)
Digital Trade
PUBLIC COMMENT: Trade Justice Education Fund Comment on the Digital and Emerging Technologies-Related Issues for IPEF
COVID-19 Economy
U.S. Health, Human Rights, Consumer and Faith Leaders Urge President Biden to Reject Leaked WTO COVID Text
COVID-19 Economy
Leaked Draft WTO COVID Text Would Not Improve Access to Vaccines, Altogether Excludes Treatments and Tests
COVID-19 Economy
Draft WTO COVID Text Leaked 3/15 Wouldn’t Improve Vaccine Access and Altogether Excludes Treatments and Tests: Beware the Ides of March Indeed!
Digital Trade
WEBINAR: Billions in Chinese Imports Dodge Inspection & Taxes, Close the Amazon Loophole
Digital Trade
USICA Special 301 for Big Tech: Memo Unpacking Stealthy Terms in CHIPS Bill
Supply Chain
“China” Bills Trade War: House COMPETES Act Boosts U.S. Workers, Producers and Resilience; Senate USICA Would Make Things Worse
Digital Trade
Letter to Secretary Raimondo: Criticism of the European Digital Services Act and the Digital Markets Act
COVID-19 Economy
Webinar: Endless Pandemic vs. Ending It: Latest Data, Policy Options
Biden Trade Agreements
OP-ED: A “Bipartisan Trade Consensus” that is GOOD for WORKERS!
COVID-19 Economy
Explainer: Waiver of the WTO’s Intellectual Property Rules: Facts vs. Common Myths
Digital Trade
MEMO: Big Tech’s “Digital Trade” Trojan Horse Strategy
Digital Trade
Big Tech Interests Have Rigged the China Bill with Powerful New Tools to Attack Anti-Monopoly & Pro-Fair-Business-Practices and Pro-Worker & Pro-Consumer Privacy Policies Worldwide
Biden Trade Agreements
LETTER TO BIDEN: “Digital Trade” Agenda Threatens Workers and Consumers
Indo Pacific Economic Framework (IPEF)
WTF Is IPEF? Yes, It Matters…
Digital Trade
LETTER: Civil Rights Enforcement Threatened if Trade Pacts Extend Tech Liability Shield

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